Specialist for small and medium-sized corporate transactions
Advisory Philosophy
U.C.A. supports companies and their shareholders in the execution of capital market transactions, in the acquisition and sale of corporate shares and in questions of corporate financing.
With experience resulting from over 300 mandates since 1989 we are an independent consultancy firm specialising in medium-sized companies. Our clients include independent companies as well as subsidiary companies of large industrial concerns.
> Mergers & Acquisitions (Corporate Sales/ Purchase)
Acquisition and sales of companies and corporate shares
> Management-Buy-In (MBI) / Management-Buy-Out (MBO)
Structuring and financing of the takeover of a company by existing or external management
> Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Stock market launch
In addition to project management U.C.A. also implements important tasks which have been jointly defined. Individual advice is a matter of course, as is the systematic pursuit of the interests of our clients.
We set great store by transparency. Only those who are aware of all the options and possibilities for action can achieve optimal results for themselves and their company. Precise knowledge of the relevant markets, direct access to the capital markets and free selection from a network of external service providers and banks will lead to attractive conditions for both businessmen and owners. And last but not least, taking advantage of fiscal room to manoeuvre helps to make a transaction attractive.